“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes
refuge in him.” Psalms 34:8. I said WOW LORD!!! Had I not seen how
great and amazing the Lord is and continues to be I wouldn’t have this blog, this blog that I
use to share His greatness! Had I not given this Christianity and Living for
Him a shot I wouldn’t have known how fulfilling and peaceful it is! Had I been
one of those people who walk past the church and not bothered to go in, I
wouldn’t have known how amazing it is to have fellowship and be encouraged by
fellow Christians. Wouldn’t have known how great it feels to Worship the Lord
as a group of people who just simply Love Him! Yes there are some things in
life we try and say never again! But it is said in the bible, and I am telling
you from experience, taste the Lord and you will see He is amazing!!! He truly
is. Today if you are reading this (or you know a person who hasn’t read this to
them and challenge them) and you haven’t tried the Lord and just concluded to yourself
that He isn’t good I challenge you to try Him first!! Try and Taste and See Him
first and I grantee you will see He is great!!!
- See the Lord and you know He is great
- Find time to seek Him before you draw your conclusions
Stay Blessed<3
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