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Showing posts from 2014

Challenge of the Week!

Good evening everyone :) I hope you had a great day! One thing remains..God is faithful! Do you really know the amazing power in lifting God's name high? Do you really understand that chains are broken as you worship the one true God? Do you really get that praising and worshiping, at all times, is God's will, in Christ Jesus, for our lives? If you get it then start praising! Challenge of the Week: This week I challenge you to approach the throne of Grace by worshiping Him. This week I challenge you to worship even when you are at the lowest point in your life. This week I challenge you to understand that praise and worship are the remedies that bring Joy to a sad soul. I challenge you and I to give God the praise He deserves.  "And my tongue shall speak of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long." Psalms 35:28 It is  good to give thanks to the  Lord , And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;" Psalms 92:1 Then I will g

Prayer of the Week!

Hello friends! I Trust your Christmas went well! Are you guys excited for the new year? In few days we will be in the year 2015, isn't that crazy? Did you know there was a time when only priests met with God? Did you know in those days prayer was not a privilege enjoyed by many? Did you know in those days people had to go to certain places in order to worship God? Now we have such freedom, now we have been given the right to speak to God as frequently as we a result of Christ's sacrifice. My question that we have the right to approach God (Hebrews 4:16), did we start taking His presence for granted? Did we stop valuing prayer? Prayer of the Week: This week let us understand that the freedom of prayer is a gift we got as a result of Christ's sacrifice. This week let us pray remembering that so many before us would have loved to have the freedom to be in God's presence. This week as we pray let us take advantage of the fact that we can worship our fat

Challenge of the Week!

Good evening everyone :) I hope your week is going great :) I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday..and the week is over! Praise God. I actually can't believe this year is almost over!!! Thank God for His goodness :) His mercies are new every morning :) Do you sometimes go through the motions of life and not recognize the blessings in life? Do you sometimes say thank God and not actually thank Him from deep inside? Do you catch yourself walking to the boarder of religiousness? Have you ever looked at yourself and said I sound like a Christian Robot? Could it be because you say Hallelujah and your words are the only ones doing the praising? Could it be that you aren't real with yourself and others? Could it be that you are putting a mask...making people think everything is going great? Challenge of the Week: This week I challenge all of us to be real! I challenge you and I to not utter a word of praise if we don't mean it. I challenge you and I to let our hallel

Prayer of the Week!

Hello everyone! Yes, I am alive!!! I am sorry for the disappearing act! Let's just say busy has become my middle name! Do you know the power words have over your life? Do you know that in Jesus Christ you have authority over words that are sown in to your lives? Do you know you can reject it when people speak bad things in to your life and receive it when they speak blessings in your life, in the name of Jesus? Prayer of the Week: This week Pray that we understand the importance of words spoken over our lives. Pray that you learn to receive blessings and reject negative and bad words in Jesus name! Pray that you learn to watch your words, as you might sow negative things in to people's lives. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your words. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." Proverbs 18:21 "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for build

Prayer of the Week!

Hello everyone :) It has been too long,I know! But I hope all has been great on your end :) Do you tend to look at what you are lacking instead of what you have? Do you constantly compare yourself with others? Do you let it bring in a wave of jealousy or do you let it encourage you? As a result of comparing your life to others, do you give thanks or complain? Do you really see all that He has done for you? Prayer of the Week: This week pray that God opens your eyes to see all the good He has done for you. This week Pray against any jealousy or covetousness. Pray that you will cultivate a spirit of thankfulness. Pray that you will be encouraged by looking at where you are and knowing that God has you in His hands!! "In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.&

Video of the Week!

You won't relent until You have it all, My heart is Yours I'll set You as a seal upon my heart as a seal upon my arm For there is love that is as strong as death Jealousy, demanding as the grave And many waters cannot quench this love Come be the fire inside of me Come be the flame upon my heart Come be the fire inside of me Until You and I are One I don't want to talk about You Like You're not in the room I want to look right at You I want to sing right to You "In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:6 Stay Blessed<3

Challenge of the Week!

Hello again :) It is an awesome day the lord has second blog entry in the same hour! Some of you must have prayed for consistency lol Why do you believe in God? Do you really live like there is a heaven and hell? If you believe that God is real and that heaven exists, why then are you a lukewarm Christian? Is Jesus your solid ground and is He your rock? Challenge of the Week : This week I challenge us to dig deeper. Let us ask ourselves why we believe in God. I challenge us to answer honestly. I challenge both you and I to allow this question to stir our faith. Let us ask ourselves if we truly believe in heaven and hell. I challenge us to once again be honest in our response to this question. If we believe, why then are we not giving Him our all? Yet another question that requires an honest answer! Please use these questions to challenge you and draw you closer to HIM...not to discourage you! Discouragement is the devil's way of disarming your faith! Don't allow i

Prayer of the Week!

Good morning everyone :) It has been a while eh? I will try my best to be more consistent with my posts! I hope the past two weeks have been awesome! :)  Are you free to worship Him? Do you express your worship without limitations? Do you lay it all down without considering what others would say about your style of worship? Do you let your background (Culture, Religion etc..) affect your worship?  Prayer of the Week: This week pray to that we realize we are free in Him! Pray that you will be able to worship Him in a way you have never before. Pray to learn to be free and open in His presence. Pray that  religious or cultural constructs will not stop you from experiencing Him to the fullest. Pray that you will be like a little child in front of your heavenly father! "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36 Stay Blessed<3

Challenge of the Week!

Good evening my friends :) I hope your Tuesday was better than your Monday :) Actually I hope that your weeks keeps getting better :) God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Do you notice the people who are going through hard times? Do you notice those whom God notices? Do you hear people's cries? Do you listen to what they have to say? Do you remember those people? Do you remember them in your prayers? Challenge of the Week : This week I challenge both you and I to start noticing the people around us who are in need of a friend. Let us start being intentional about helping those who need help. I challenge both you and I to look out for the broken and the hurt so God can use us to heal them. I challenge us to start listening to people's cries. I challenge us to not only listen but to remember! I challenge both you and I to remember these people in our prayers. I challenge us to remember them and their situations. "The eyes of the LORD are on the right

Prayer of the Week!

Hello everyone :) I hope you had a beautiful weekend :) I also hope that your Monday was great! I had such an awesome weekend at a church retreat! I thank God! :) Did you know that prayer is not just you talking to God? Listening to God is a major part of prayer! How would you hear the still small voice if all you do is talk at God? Take time to hear from Him! Prayer of the Week: This week let us focus on listening to Him more than listing our prayers. Let our prayers be quiet times in His presence. Let us focus more on Him than ourselves. Because when all we do is give Him lists, we are making it all about us. Be encouraged and spice up your prayer lives! :) Dig deeper! :) "11  And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the  Lord . And, behold, the  Lord  passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the  Lord ; but the  Lord  was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the  Lord  was not in the e

Prayer of the Week!

Good morning internet family :) I hope you had a great weekend :) I had an awesome one praise God! Are you saved? Have you been delivered from your old ways? Have you stopped looking back? Are you a new creation in Him? Are you dead to your sin?  Prayer of the Week: This week let us pray for grace to look forward and never look back. This week let us pray for strength that will break the urge to go back to the place He saved us from. Let us pray that we fully die to our sins and that we stay dead to them. Let us pray against the guilt and the condemnation the enemy will use to drive us away from our father. Let us understand that Christ cast our sin from us as far as the east is from the west! "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." Psalms 103:12 Stay Blessed<3

Video of the Week!

Beautiful God Laying Your majesty aside  You reached out in love to show me life Lifted from darkness unto light oh King for a slave Trading Your righteousness for shame Despite all my pride and foolish ways caught in your infinite embrace oh And I find myself here on my knees again  Caught up in grace like an avalanche nothing compares to this love love love Burning in my heart " 67  Then they began to spit in Jesus’ face and beat him with their fists. And some slapped him,   68  jeering, “Prophesy to us, you Messiah! Who hit you that time?” Matthew 26:67-68 Stay Blessed<3

Challenge of the Week!

Hello everyone :) I hope your day went well :) I just want to say thank God mine came to an end! God is still good!! :) Do you make an active effort to keep in touch with people? Do you ask loved ones if they have prayer requests? Are you always waiting to be asked how your day went? Why not ask people how their days went? Challenge of the Week: This week I challenge both you and I to call, text, inbox or email the first person the Lord brings to your mind. I Challenge you and I to ask those people for their prayer requests. I challenge both you and I to actually pray for these individuals. I challenge us to be the friends those people need. I challenge us to remind them of God's care and love for them through our godly actions. "Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2  " Be  kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;" Romans 12:10 "And be kind to one

Prayer of the Week!

Hello everyone :) Sorry for the delayed post! I hope you had a beautiful Monday and I hope you will have an even better Tuesday. Do you wonder if you are actually an ambassador of Christ or of the world? Do your actions lead people to Christ or push them away? Do you love more than judging? Can people see you are a new creation? Do you tell people you are saved not because you did the right things, but because He paid for your sins and set you free? Prayer of the Week: This week pray that you stand for what Christ stands for. This week pray that you learn to love before even thinking to judge. This week pray that you will be directing people to Christ not away from Him. Pray that you won't end up being a 'pharisee'. Remember, they new a lot about God, but did not know God. They accused Christ of blasphemy when all He did was praise God and speak the truth. Please, pray that we focus on building our Christ like character more than looking like the 'perfect Christian&

Challenge of the Week!

Hello everyone :) How is it going? Praise God all is well on my end! :) My God has been (and always will be) great! :) Do you know that a smile may change someone's day? Do you know that a hug can make a person feel welcome and loved? Do you know a that simple "hi, how are you?" could change a person's life? Let us show God's love in many ways :) Challenge of the Week : This week I challenge both you and I to love a little more. I challenge us to show God's love in as many ways as we can. If it is saying thank you to a bus driver let's do it. If it is smiling at a customer go for it! If it is hugging a friend who just needed it let's make it happen. It could be that you see a person who seems out of it, go ahead ask if they are okay. Let us love our community as people who serve a God not only loves but who is Love! Let us be the help, the light, the compassion a community needs! Take this challenge and let it make a difference in people's live

Prayer of the Week!

Hello peeps! Oh how I have missed blogging! I hope you have been good :) I have been great except for needing more than 24 hours in a day! But God is faithful! He truly is! I am sure most of us lead very busy lives, am I right? Do you then find yourselves making your quiet times as one of the things you need to do in the morning? As opposed to what it actually is, spending time with your creator. Do you notice how routine based life sorta creeps in, even in our walks with God? You see we can't allow the devil to use 'business' as a weapon against our spiritual health! Our spiritual health depends completely on us seeking our heavenly Dad's face! Prayer of the Week: This week let us actively pray against routine based spiritual life. Mind you it doesn't mean that your quiet times shouldn't be at the same place or time everyday. It just means that we walk with new revelations and anointing each day as a result of seeking the father in a genuine manner. AND PLE

Video of the Week!

Who spoke the Earth and sky to form Who sets the sun and calls the dawn Who breathed me out of dust to life The will to trust or run and hide I will stay should the world by me fold Lift up Your name as the darkness falls I will wait and hold fast to Your word Heart on Your heart and my eyes on You "For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm." Psalms 33:9 "I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown."Revelations 3:11 "holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain." Philippians 2:16 Stay Blessed<3

Challenge of the Week!

Hello everyone :) How are you this beautiful day? I am really struggling with the fact that summer is over :( Good thing fall is a pretty season :D Do intentionally align each and every step you take with God's word? Do you seek His guidance even in the smallest of things? Do you try to make everything about Him? Are you aware you can Glorify Him even in the smallest of tasks? Challenge of the Week : This week I challenge both you and 1 to align our steps with the word of God. This week I challenge both you and I to observe our daily routines. Are the things we pursue things that would  please  the lord? I challenge all of us to double check our motives behind everything we do? Is it out of selfish ambition or is it for the benefit of others? I challenge both you and I to Glorify the God we serve with every chance we get! "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves," Philippians 2:3 "And whatever y

Prayer of the Week!

Hello people!! Happy long weekend :) I hope you have enjoyed your extended weekend :D  Do you believe things happen just randomly? Do you believe that you running in to someone that you needed to meet is a coincidence? Do you think things happen by chance? Or do you believe that divine appointments exist? Do you believe God can direct another person towards you in your situation? Prayer of the Week: This week pray for divine appointments. Pray for God to give you a deeper sense of understanding and belief in the fact that God can order peoples' steps toward you. Also, pray that you will be willing to be used by God in these appointments. Pray that you understand that God can use you and/or  another person during the divine appointment. Pray for divine appointments, then when you know you are in one ask for God's guidance.  "26  Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, “Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” Thi

Challenge of the Week!

Hello everyone :) How was your day? I hope your days keep getting better :D  Do you doubt  that somethings are from God? Do you question where you are in life? Do you wonder if you are doing the right thing? Do you know if you are in God's will? Challenge of the Week: This week I challenge you to get rid of doubt once and for all. I challenge you to understand that doubt and confusion don't come from the Lord! I challenge you to test everything and compare it to God's word! His will is in His word! I challenge you to believe that God will continue to guide you even when you feel lost! I challenge you to believe that God will always direct your ways as long as you let Him! "For God is not  the author  of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints."  1 Corinthians 14:33 "1 Trust in the  Lord  with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6  2  In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct   your paths.&

Prayer of the Week!

Hello everyone :) How are you guys doing? I hope you had a beautiful weekend and I hope today is even better? Do you attend church? Do you listen to sermons in your spare time? Who leads you in your walk with God? Do you have a gut filling that your leader or the person who is teaching you isn't doing so according to God's word? Prayer of the Week: This week let us pray about authenticity in the church. Let us pray about who we trust to give us Godly advice/information. Let us pray for God's guidance in picking our teacher/leader. Pray for discernment as you listen to teachings. Pray for the Holy spirit to guide you in to the truth of God. Discernment is very key as we have people who claim to be Godly and lead their lives in an unGodly way. " 21  Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.   22  Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, ca

Sermon by Jentezen Franklin : There Is Hope at Liberty & Church Streets

We have to understand that it took a great deal of sacrifice to get us our liberty! We have freedom in Him because of all He sacrificed on the Cross! 1) When Liberty and Church streets intersect true freedom is discovered! True freedom is not about being able to do anything and everything you want to do. True freedom is discovered when you have the true freedom fighter, Jesus Christ, in your life. Then and only then will you get ultimate freedom! "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36 2)  When Liberty and Church streets intersect you will have to make a decision. You will need to pick between Christ and the Liberty you think you have. When you pick Christ, death will have no dominion over you! You will transition in to life! "For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace." Romans 6:14 "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" 1 Corinth

Challenge of the Week!

Hello again :) Its been a while eh ( I joke I joke...its only been few minutes :))? I hope things have gotten so much better for you since my last post :) God works in miraculous ways you know! Do you sometimes wish God uses you in a major way? Do you look at others and think your spiritual gifts are"irrelevant" in comparison? Answer this honestly, do you utilize even the "irrelevant gifts" you have been given? Have you been faithful with the little you have been given? Challenge of the Week: This week I challenge both you and I to be faithful in utilizing our gifts. I challenge you to believe that God will add on to those who actually use their gifts. I Challenge you to understand that no spiritual gift is too small or irrelevant. I challenge you to trust in the fact that God knew what He was doing when He gave us each of the spiritual gifts we posses. And yes, all who are in Christ posses gifts of the Spirit (The Holy Spirit), it's up to us to discover it!

Prayer of the Week!

Hello everyone :) How have you been? Praise God I have been keeping busy and I am very thankful for His goodness :) Our God is such a loving Father <3  Do we allow some physical things to guard our spiritual vision? Have we let petty things stop us from reaching a deeper relationship with the Lord? Have we allowed minor differences to rise above the UNITY we have in Christ? Prayer of the Week: This week I urge you to pray about these minor obstacles. Pray that God reveals them to you. Pray that once you know what they are you will choose to walk away from them. Pray that the veil that has kept you from seeing the truth will be removed once and for all. Pray that your spiritual eyes are opened wide and your heart is ready to soak in things of the Lord.  "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18 Stay Blessed