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Showing posts from May, 2019

Free but COSTLY!

I  worked in a non-profit organization for almost 4 years of my career. In my tenure in this one non-profit, or social profit as we called it, I learned so many things. Somethings just snuck in when I didn't even know I learned them.  As an Events Planner, one of the things l always looked at is how the cost of admission impacted attendance. I noticed that the most expensive events were sought after and highly regarded whilst the free or cheap ones were taken for granted. If that was the only thing I learned then it would have been easy to increase the prices to these events. However, we received complaints that the events, the same ones that were taken for granted because of the low entrance fee, were too expensive. Despite the complaints, I think a common thread is that people value things they pay for more than the things they receive for free. I believe King David shares the sentiment of paying for something in order to adequately appreciate and understand the value of i