Peter is one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. He has
experienced the Lord’s miracles in his own life. The night the disciples saw
Jesus walking on water most of them thought it was a ghost and they were terrified.
Then Jesus said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Matthew
14: 27; when you continue to read on what Peter says it’s actually
amazing. “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to
come to you on the water. “Come,” Jesus said. Matthew 14:28-29
Do you see the pattern or the steps
that unfolded in this story? First disciples were scared thinking it was a
ghost. However, once peter knew it was Jesus the atmosphere changed. Peter
asked the Lord to tell him the next step and Jesus did!! God taught me a
valuable lesson from this passage. In times of anxiety or tough situations we
need to look at everything around us and remember that He we serve is a God
that isn't limited to material or earthy things, He isn’t governed by rules of
gravity, He is everything but ordinary. Once we recognize that our next step
should be to prayerfully ask Him to lead us. Though the reply might not be immediate;
He will call us to where He wants us to go. The most important thing here after
prayer and seeking God’s will is to then take that first step in faith. It was
only the faith Peter had that helped Him walk alongside Christ on water, who
would think it was possible to walk on water. But when u serve a Living,
Loving, Majestic, Incredible, non-Ordinary God all that is impossible becomes
possible!!! “I can do all this
through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
- So first seek His face, come in prayer to ask Him what next?
- Then when He tells us, though the reply might not be immediate, but if we wait on Him He will give us an answer
- Then comes taking that first step with faith
Stay Blessed<3
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