Have you ever been a situation that felt like there was no
way out of? The thing about these situations is that once they hit they don’t
stop getting worse. Also, when one thing goes bad everything seems to go bad on
that same day..or so we think. This is to encourage you folks! There is a
biblical truth I have learnt about such situations recently.
One faithful day I decided to pay my phone bill from a
school computer (I never do that ever it’s just I was in school and I wasn’t
going home soon so I had to pay it before I forgot). I use my Visa to pay and
when I thought I finished paying the computer tells me it didn’t go through. So
I went through the entire process 3 times. Before I tried it one last time I
decided to call my credit card company; and according to them all 3
transactions went through and have been deducted from my account. You can
imagine my shock! I immediately call my phone company and they tell me
otherwise; so they haven’t received any sort of payment. That was when I
realized that the situation wasn’t going to get any better. It is a long story
but to cut it short it landed me in a very messy situation. It got to the point
where I was $120 out not to mention my credit card got cancelled and the only
way I was to re-activate it was to deposit $500 and show 2 pieces of Canadian
Government issued ID. Where to start, I am an international student; meaning I
don’t even have 1 piece of Canadian ID ( I had my student ID but that didn’t
qualify as Government issued ID). Naturally, my response to such stressful
situations was to ball out, I cried to my DG leader (Discipleship Leader). She
prayed for me and I went about trying to find a means to end this fiasco! The
thing is it got to a point where I couldn’t do anything more to solve the
situation. That is when I surrendered my situation to the lord,I gave it all
up. Then a huge sense of rest and peace filled me and I thought to myself why
didn’t I think of this before :)
? I had midterms coming up that week so I stopped dwelling on my situation and
resumed my studies. The next day I was at the library reading for one of my
courses when I received a call from a manager of my bank. The conversation went
like this:
Magager: “Hi this is ..( I forgot the manager’s name..ma bad :) ), I am a Manager of
CIBC Bank Wesdale Branch. Is this Rodas Fisseha Asres?”
Me: “Yes, this is she”
Manager: “Well Rodas I have good news for you!”
I was excited just at the sound of that, I didn’t even know
what it was but I just got excited!
She went on saying :” I wrote a letter of recommendation to
the credit company saying you are one of our valued customers and that you have been with the bank for the
last two and half years”
Me: “uhmm...”
Manager: “so they re-activated your credit card and you just
need to come in to the branch to validate this”
Me: “Thank you so much!!! (I might have said God bless you
not sure though)” I was choking back tears just to save my reputation from getting shattered! But at that moment I knew no one else but God could have done
this. This lady does not know me, when I say she doesn’t know me I mean she has
never seen me, ever!! Yet she boldly recommended me to the credit company. Few
days later my $120 got credited back into my account and all was back to
normal! But there was nothing normal about that situation it was supernatural
if you ask me! Let me tie this back to a biblical truth.
Lazarus was a person very dear to the Lord’s heart (the
brother of Martha and Mary). The Lord, Jesus, received a message about His dear
friend being sick and about to die. By the time Jesus got to where the sisters
where, Lazarus had died and it had been four days. If you know the story or are
reading it now, the sisters called Jesus to their town to heal Lazarus. So you
can imagine there disappointment when He came after Lazarus passed away. But
Jesus had bigger plans for him; He raised him from the dead! Jesus said in John 11:4“This sickness will not end in death.
No, it is for God’s glory so that
God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
My point is this: when you are in a situation
that has no human solution give it up to the Living God! When you do He will be
glorified, why? Because it was humanly impossible, that situation was dead in
your sight but in His it was just taking a nap!!! I pray you are encouraged by
this because this actually happened to me and it made me realize God works more
when we stop trying to make it on our own!
· So when your situation is beyond your control
know to leave it in the Able hands of our GOD!
Situations like these, though they might be
very stressful, will defiantly grow your faith!
Most importantly these situations become your
testimonies and our God will be glorified
P.S : Sorry for such a long one this time but trust me it could have been longer :D
Stay Blessed <3
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