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Bird’s eye view

Good Morning :) It is Friday today :) And thank God it is! So you know how yesterday's post was titled prayer of the week, uhmm that is because I thought yesterday was monday :)  just because its first day of school it doesn't mean its first day of the week :) #notetoself  ... Prayer of the week will be every Monday!

Bird’s eye view
I was never the best student in my high school geography class but I know I have retained something from it, I hope I did :) One thing that I was thinking about though was the term bird’s eye view and I am sure I learnt it in geography. What it means basically is having an over view of things from the top or from vertically up. Even after high school this term has popped up in technical measurements. It is supposedly better or technically speaking more accurate to read measurements from a 90 angle.  Now let me get to my actual point..and its not bragging about ma geography skills :)

Life is full of situations and circumstances, and not always good ones.  There are times when tiny speed bumps appear to be unshakable mountains. This is usually because we look at it from our point of view, which is not a bird’s eye view, unless we happen to be on an air plane at the moment lol. Jokes aside, when you look at that situation that has kept you up at night from God’s point of view, how tiny and insignificant is it? I know it is very hard to think that way when we are actually going through such touch times. But think of it this way, what if David had our mentality when he was facing Goliath the giant? Mind you Goliath did not appear to be a giant he was a nine feet tall fighting champ! And David? He was Jesse’s youngest son who kept the sheep, he was just a shepherd! He definitely was not 9 feet tall! 

I will take you back to the time when David was a young shepherd sent to deliver food to his brothers, who happen to be at a camp for the Israelites when they were at war with Philistines. In I Samuel 17 the story of David and Goliath resides.  Goliath, being a tall and strong fighter, used to come out of the Philistines’ camp every now-and-then to scare the Israelites. Every time he did so Israelites were greatly terrified. Isn’t that what our situations do? Like Goliath, they appear every now-and-then to scare us. Each time Goliath came out he would ask for one man to fight him and, if possible, kill him. One faithful day David heard his usual roar and asked around to find out more about what he was saying.  Despite his size compared to the giant, David volunteered to be the man to fight Goliath. I hope I am not losing you :) I am about to make a point I promise :) 
In I Samuel 17: 45 David says to Goliath “You come against me with a sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty…” First point is this one, as a child of God you don’t face any problem on your own you face it in the Name of the LORD ALMIGHTY!!! I bet the mountain looks more of its size now right? Well of course you all know the story of how David actually defeated and killed Goliath! He didn’t even use a sword; he used a sling and a stone. Lesson number two, if you relay on the living God neither the height difference nor the lack of a sword would lead you to death but to victory!

The advantage David had over Goliath was the fact that he had a bird’s eye view of his opponent. He looked at that Giant and saw an ant on the ground. Because, that is what the 9 feet tall fighter would look like as viewing him from God’s point of view. Today I encourage you to start viewing your troubles from a bird’s eye view, from the perspective of your loving and mighty heavenly Father!

·         God is always with you, should you face anything in His name it shall turn to dust!
·         By putting God first you have already defeated your opponent, the tiny bump that appears to be an unshakeable mountain.
·         Always look at things from God’s perspective, learn to view things in bird’s eye view :)
Stay blessed <3


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