As a server at a restaurant, I am expected
to inspect and clean the washrooms before opening and closing (before and after
a shift). I was doing my usual routine, and I walked in to the males washroom (The
restaurant was closed so technically both washrooms were just washrooms no
gender difference. I will explain wait!) So many times, this is outside of my
work, I have walked in to the male washrooms by mistake and minus the urinals
everything looks the same. But then again in my first year residence building,
the female washrooms had urinals so I can bring that case up for argument sake
lol. The reason we had urinals was because our residence used to be males-only,
it was then recently made coed and they didn’t bother to remove the urinals.
Trust me when I say this but all washrooms are the same looking. And if you are blindfolded and taken into a male washroom
without urinals and asked which one it is that you are in, would you know?
Human beings, minus the titles given to us,
are the same. Some are labeled good and others bad. I volunteer every year at a
leadership conference for junior high-schoolers and high-schoolers. Each year I lead around 13 students throughout
the span of the conference. One of the conference years, one of my kids was a
rebellion type. I noticed because he showed that rebelliousness much often than
need be, he was getting all sorts of negative reviews from others. One time he
showed up to one of our meetings very late and as he walked in he expected the
worst. Instead I reached out to him and
I said “well since you are late you owe me a huge hug!” His expression and
rebelliousness changed drastically. He became an active member of our group
and all the other kids looked up to him. Then it hit
me, he is only human! What kind of human being would hate nice things? What
kind of human being would hate affection and care? I then concluded to myself
no matter what the world labels you as, you are still a human being Created by
a Creator who not only loves but Who is love. So why be surprised if people
want to be loved? God knew this when He told us in Matthew 22:39: “And the
second is like it: love your neighbor as yourself”. It is obvious that God
doesn’t care about earthly labels because in Matthew 5:44 He said “Love your
enemies and pray for those who persecute you”. Even Jesus Christ ate at a tax collector’s
home, was seen with sinners because He knew to look past the names these people
were given. I am sure you get why I had
to use washroom labels. In this case, the urinals symbolize mere human
behavioral differences. The main thing is neither the behavioral difference nor
the earthly labels matter, what matters is “Do unto others as you would have
them do to you” Luke 6:31.
*Love one another and don’t let earthy
labels come in between
* Earthy labels are only for the purpose of
noting differences nothing more
* Do not do things that you wouldn’t want
to be done to you
Stay Blessed <3
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