For those of you who go to school in Canada (Ontario to be specific, because am not sure how it is in other provinces) you will probably be nearing the end of your reading weeks (normally knows as spring/march break). But, our schools being the way they are, they give us a reading week. It is literally a reading week, for those who are actually productive, because the week after is usually filled with midterms and assignments. I wanted to be productive in a different city so I traveled I know I am making it sound like I went somewhere far, nope just half an hour away. I had an amazing time, and I did spend two days in the library, so it was fun and productive. However, nothing beats the lesson I learnt and the verse the Lord put on my heart during my reading week. I found out that one of my closest friends, whom I refer to as my cousin, sponsors a 6 year old girl. The little girl had mailed a hand written letter with her picture. In this she stated how becau...