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Keep on Sowing!

I thought I had another topic I wanted to share about something God spoke to me a few weeks ago. However, one thing I try to do is check-in to see if I should share that same topic or if there is another thing He wants to put on my heart. Typically, if I do not post right when He drops the message, then next time I check in it will be a different topic. The moral of the story is that God gives us words for each season of life. His word is active, living, and applicable in every stage of our lives. 

A few minutes ago, I sat and waited for Him to give me an updated topic. I waited and I heard "Rain". Because I didn't want to go off on my own tangent about rain, I first searched what scripture says about it.  As I looked for verses related to rain, this one jumped out at me " 12 Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you" Hosea 10:12

If you are ever weary of doing good, lack patience with people around you, or struggle with extending God’s love to those that don’t want anything to do with you or Him, the story of Hosea is a good one to read! In short, the Lord directed Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman with a horrible reputation. Despite what people would have suggested, he went ahead to marry her and start a family. He continued to pour love over his wife when one day she up and left him. Even then, instead of leaving her and moving on, God asked him to pursue and bring her back home. The story is very intriguing, go read the full story! What God was/is teaching us through the story of Hosea and Gomer is that He will never stop pursuing us. He will never stop loving us. He will continue to care for us despite where we were or still are.  

You must be thinking what does this have to do with rain? I thought the same thing until I read about the agricultural cycle. Because I am not an expert in agriculture and I don't want to give you the wrong information I will not overshare. The main thing I got out of it is an annual process with multiple steps associated with it. One important thing to highlight however is the seeding process.  The seeding process is highly dependant on the seed and the soil it is planted in. Another thing to note is that although the agricultural cycle has so many controllable steps, there are external factors that impact the harvest; mainly, RAIN! 

My friend, you might be at a place where you have poured out, sowed, loved on, encouraged, given all you think to give, and yet you have not seen the harvest. You might be feeling like you have done 3 rounds of the agricultural cycle without seeing a single harvest. I want to encourage you today that the harvest is coming! You will reap what you have sown because God says so! (See: Galatians 6:7-8) All you are expected to do is to be faithful in sowing righteousness for yourself, continuing to love on others, and not growing weary of doing good. 

I can almost hear you saying "Easier Said than Done!" I feel you, my friend, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. However, I find comfort in knowing that God knows we are not able to do this on our own. He has proactively provided us with the tool to live and love in this way. The tool is a person and has a name. He is one of the members of the trinity. He is the Holy Spirit. The spirit of Jesus Himself! He is here with and in us to help us navigate this life. To guide us to do what we are called to do and to become who we are created to be! 

The provision, the rain, the help, for us to continue to do what God calls us to do found in the Holy Spirit. The flip side, in God's timing, God's rain will water, nurture, and grow the seeds that you have been sowing. What you sowed in faith will be watered and you will see it grow and get ready for harvest!

So friend, go out there and be bold in loving others. Be courageous in doing good. Stand firm while you wait on the harvest because it is coming! 

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Galatians 6:9

Stay Blessed<3


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