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The Freedom in Acceptance!

Hey friends, I hope you have been keeping well. I write emails all day long and that is exactly how I usually start, but don't worry this is not an email! However, I do hope you have been keeping well. :)

I want to share with you something that I hope will help you in your Journey with the Lord. I am by no means an expert nor have I arrived but I feel like my struggles and learnings could be helpful to you in your own walks. 

I have had the Lord point out to me or remind me that I am not Him multiple times, especially in the last two years. I think for me in my deep desire to honour Him in all that I do, I subconsciously start believing that I am immune to a lot of things. I was convinced that because I love Him so much there is no way I could pick sin over Him. I am sad to report that despite the love I have for Him, I have fallen short numerous times. I think Paul describes this dilemma perfectly in Romans 7:15. He is so boggled with how he could act a certain way when he wants to do the opposite and vice versa. Now before I go any further I want to clarify that I am NOT justifying Sin and giving an excuse for the times I have fallen short but simply echoing Paul's words when he said  "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," Romans 3:23.  That being said, I am also a firm believer that we are called to holy living and that He has given us an Empowering Grace (Read Good or God By John Bevere for the full context behind this Phrase) to do so. 

What am I referring to when I say The Freedom in Acceptance? I believe it was in the book Good or God that I understood the happy medium or that there is freedom in acceptance. The truth is we are imperfect beings who will continue to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ until we see Him face to face. So accepting that I will fall short and mess up as long as I am alive has allowed me to dig my head out of the pile of shame had buried it in. In accepting the fact that only God is God, and that I am not, has set me free. Knowing that He first loved me while I was dead in my transgressions has allowed me to distinguish between conviction and condemnation. It has made me realize that the enemy of my soul is the only one who accuses me before my heavenly father and not God Himself. This gives me the freedom to get back up again! This gives me the energy to come before God in repentance and to walk away feeling freed to get back into living life for His glory instead of being stuck! 

One statement in a song that has stuck to me is "I don't struggle to be free but I am free to struggle!" Don't ask me who sung it because I have no clue. The idea it carries is that all of this working towards holiness and holy living is never to gain salvation or a place in heaven. In stead, it is a response to the Abundant life offered to us by Him who laid His life down in return. But as those who have received much, much is expected of us. We have been given the Holy Spirit who is our guiding campus into All Truth (See John 16:13 ). As the author of Hebrews reminds us, we need to  then set aside the sin that so easily besets us (See Hebrews 12:1) and move into action. 

In conclusion, I would like to leave you with this statement that was inspired by John Bevere through the book Good or God:

Aim to live perfectly holy lives by embracing the Empowering Grace that has been made accessible to you through Christ Jesus and when you fall His Unmerited Grace is there to lift you back up! 

Stay Blessed<3

P.S Honestly, just buy the book and read it, you won't regret it!


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