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Hidden Treasures

Friends, I hope you are keeping well and safe in this time of craziness. 

I don't know about you but where I live the minute the Covid 19 panic hit, the grocery stores saw a spike in sales. Most importantly, lots of stores had no toilet paper left. That is when I proceeded to order it online. In the meantime, this might be a tiny bit TMI, I got flushable wipes and had a backup toilet paper roll that I took from my sister. Interesting times require interesting measures so if all else fails, thank God for old water.

I don't know if I mentioned it but back in December of 2018, I had moved to the city I live in now. I remember keeping a roll of toilet paper in one of my storage spots in my vehicle. That toilet paper roll was awaiting its moment to shine very patiently. One fine day, when my back up roll ran out, I recalled that I had one in my car. One that had been in my car for more than a year! I, of course, went and grabbed it, peeled some layers off, and started using it. Similarly, in a slightly different light, my friend gave me a going-away gift that was a beautiful sign that says "Be Still and Know that I am God". I had placed that image over in the area of my study desk. I always glance back at it when I walk in and out of my room. However, in these last two weeks of working from home, I have found myself staring at it every time I look up. Why do I share all of this with you? It is because I learned an important lesson about God's Living word through these two experiences. 

The Bible says the kingdom of God is like a hidden treasure. One needs to seek it and once it is found, it is up for grabs. I believe God's Word and the revelation that awaits us is like a hidden treasure too. I can't stress enough the importance of being in God's Word. Digging in for all of the hidden nuggets that He has prepared for us for all seasons of our lives. I say seasons because I have some days that I read the Word of God (the Bible) and it is as if God is speaking to me directly. But, there are times I read out of faith. Reading out of faith is acknowledging the Bible is God's word and continuing to feast on it even if you don't understand or feel like it. God's word is that like one roll of toilet paper that was waiting to be activated. It was always a toilet paper but it needed me to be in need of it, pick it up, and then use it for it to accomplish what it was made to do. That means, not only do I read the Bible, I also attach my faith to it. I do that knowing that it is God's unchanging Word. 

The amazing thing about reading and studying the Bible is that you find yourself remembering scripture in the exact time you need it even though you don't know when you heard or read it. In that same way, my one roll of toilet paper was exactly what I needed. It is like that one scripture you read once or twice and did not understand comes to remembrance in the exact moment you need it. And then there are times when you see, read, hear, a specific part of scripture in passing and understand it a certain way. But then, when you read that exact same verse or chapter and a new lesson comes out of it. That is because God's Word is alive and active. 

I say all this to encourage, both you and I, to dig into our Bibles. God's word is life-giving and by reading it you reap the benefits sometimes immediately and other times when you least expect it. So, my friend, if you are in a season where you are reading the word and you still feel so dry, keep reading. When you are reading the Bible and nothing seems to stick, keep reading. Lastly, don't just read God's Word, let it read you. Let the Word point things in your life that need to be shaken off. Let Him speak to you through His Word. 

Hebrews 4:12 New International Version (NIV)
12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Stay Blessed<3


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