Friends, I hope you are keeping well and safe in this time of craziness. I don't know about you but where I live the minute the Covid 19 panic hit, the grocery stores saw a spike in sales. Most importantly, lots of stores had no toilet paper left. That is when I proceeded to order it online. In the meantime, this might be a tiny bit TMI, I got flushable wipes and had a backup toilet paper roll that I took from my sister. Interesting times require interesting measures so if all else fails, thank God for old water. I don't know if I mentioned it but back in December of 2018, I had moved to the city I live in now. I remember keeping a roll of toilet paper in one of my storage spots in my vehicle. That toilet paper roll was awaiting its moment to shine very patiently. One fine day, when my back up roll ran out, I recalled that I had one in my car. One that had been in my car for more than a year! I, of course, went and grabbed it, peeled some layers off, and started us...