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If I were to ask "who here loves to sleep?" and I was addressing an audience, I am sure 98% would raise their hands. Wouldn't you?? I know I would. I have a housemate who is also a like a sister to me who says in her own words,” I sleep like a log, so you won’t wake me up even if you try to!” I would have to testify it is the truth, when she sleeps she sleeps! I am a light sleeper, if I hear a knock I wake up. If there is a conversation near me I can randomly join in. However there is this one time that I slept though a major emergency on the floor I was on. I have to say though that night I was not only sleeping for one night but all the sleep and weariness from days before were lumped to one night of sleep.  I love watching comedy and I sometimes watch Amharic comedy dramas. On one of them, the son of the house sleeps a lot and the dad asked him if he is just sleeping or training for death. I laughed a lot when I first heard that but later on it started meaning more than a joke to me. Dying is not the same as sleeping, and even if that boy sleeps a lot he could get as close as training for death but not actually die. I am not being all dark and spooky I promise there is a point am about to make.

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24. You see, as Christians we are not called to sleep to sin but to die to it! The three scenarios in the previous paragraph describe 3 types of sleeping habits but a common thing they all shared was that they were awakened. The main difference between sleeping and dying is that you will be able to wake up from the preceding one. Do we then want to sleep to our sins or die to them? Once we are dead to sin that part of our life can never rise again, it can never wake up! However, if we lead a life style that only allows us to put our sins to sleep, who knows when, but they are sure to wake up. Do we really want that? Of course not!! But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—“ Colossians 1:22. Since we are called to be people without blemish and free from accusation we should be sure to say our sins are dead, no longer living! No longer will they wake up to take us back to the old life style we had before Christ, no longer will we back slide!

  • If you feel like your sins or sinful ways of living are re-occurring, think about it may be you put them to sleep not to the grave
  • We are called to live in Him as holy and as blameless people with possibly dark pasts but bright and promised futures

Stay Blessed<3


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